Auroville Spiral

Auroville Spiral
The Bird's Eye View

Friday, February 18, 2011

More On Money - Take It Or Leave It? Systems Analysis

Here are some pictures of life recently, and a quote to go along with my previous entry (about money and the economic system): "The nature of the gift, unlike goods that can be bought and sold, is that it must be kept in motion. The logic of gifts, like a river, is one of flow, whereas market in a market system, wealth is disengaged from the flow and becomes concentrated in pools. Scarcity appears when wealth cannot flow, Like a river, if the gift flow is dammed up, it will stagnate, and and the dam (one who hoards) will metaphorically burst." (Taken from my professor, Karen Litfin's article called The Sacred and the Profane in the Ecological Politics of Sacrifice) 
So what do you think? ...Auroville here is trying to run on a different economic model- one that is sustainable internally. They are not quite there yet, but they still hold this vision in mind. Sadhana Forest, similarly, is running on a "gift economy", where they do the work that needs to be done no matter what, without worrying about the money. Then, based on community friendship, activism and trust, money flows back to them.
So do you think we (the U.S., or even globally) could shift from the system we have now? Or do you think it is working just fine as is? 
...Yes, these are big questions- similar to the ones I have been having to ask for the past 7 weeks- to be honest, it is TOO MUCH sometimes to try to be thinking in these grandiose terms all the time, but HEY; it is also essentially beneficial. Okay, enjoy the pictures! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Money, Material and Full Moon Howling

I had a very successful shopping experience today!
Now, shopping is something that I've tried to avoid as a valuable cultural experience here, since it is ALL.ABOUT. CONSUMING. However, I realized today that interacting with the shopkeepers is actually a really accessible way to interact with Indian culture.
Many of the shopkeepers here are from Northern India, specifically Kashmir. Since talking to many of them, I want to come back and go to Kashmir!
First of all, the name- doesn't it just sound beautiful? ;)
It is in the mountains, with many lakes and rivers, and it is known for its outdoor adventuring.
Yep, sign me up.
And what is more, the shopkeepers I have intermittently been interacting with over the past weeks are really open and friendly. They remember me, and greet me whenever I ride by. (The main shopping village is on the way to the beach.) Some of them really invest time in building relationship, which is a refreshing breath of an experience in contrast to the stifling pressure of many Indian sopping experiences. ("You buy NOW!")
At the apex of this realization here is this one man, who I bought something from the other week. His shop is called "The Same But Different". When I was in there, I didn't have enough money to purchase the item. He said, "Oh no, you don't worry about it; you give me the money when you have it. Just enjoy this garment, enjoy the afternoon, and give many blessings." Well this just about startled me to death! Can you imagine going to Nordstrom's during Christmastime, having a long chat with the salesperson (who offers you a chai), picking out a beautiful garment with their undivided attention's help, and then them saying, "oh yes, take it, and come back to pay some other time."
Wow. This was a different experience.
We are SO based on MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, it is like it has its own entity, own energy and force, that sweeps us up and carries us along with it, guiding us around by the throats.
We are slaves to money.
Generally speaking.
Of course, this isn't how it has to be, and there are many different mentalities to help alleviate this devastating economic view, but- it is sadly true that the basis of our entire economy is run on money, and direct exchange. This does not leave any room for work exchange, or any other type of arrangement. It is solely for the individual gain!
Now how isolating is that? It just develops this energy of separate smallness, and creates a dominant paradigm of selfish work ethic.
Anyway, that is just a little rant- and the experience of sifting through the waves of colorful fabrics here is actually quite a nice sensual experience. All the garments smell of incense and the stories of the hand-made places they are from around the country of India.
Also, last night was the full moon. Henry, Richie and I went to the top of a 200 foot watertower to watch the moon rise, and picnic with some people from Sadhana forest. Then we rode our bikes down to the beach, despite many peoples' various warnings, and dove into the moonlit water!! It was SO cleansing, celebratory, rejuvenating, relinquishing, childlike, and adventurous. (Neil, you would have loved it!!)
So that was great- It is always nice to HOWL AT THE FULL MOON!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Space of Morning Breath

Here is a poem I wrote this morning:

As soon as I Rise
The fresh air fills my lungs.
As soon as I rise,
I am in nature.

As soon as I rise, 
I am enlivened by
The early-morning energy Zen;
The peaceful awakening.

As soon as I rise, 
The birds are chirping sweetly and
abundantly, in greeting.
The ingenuous drops of dew sit innocently
 on the newly growing tomato plants.

As soon as I rise,
I feel comfortable in my skin.
A softness, gentle spaciousness, permeates my being.
As soon as I rise,
I feel peaceful.
I breathe in deeply,
Filling up my inner energy-body 
with the
Sweet, supple nectar of the morning.


White Light Pillar

I have been meditating in guided group-form recently.
Tonight, I felt myself connected to a vertical column of white-light energy.
This column ran through my spine, up and down, giving space to my chakras all along it.
It took me over suddenly: One minute I was sitting, listening to my teacher's voice, and feeling the usual discomforts: my back ached, my mind wandered incessantly. Then suddenly, but slowly, I realized that there was a definite sensation in my spine: Yes, I felt like I was coming into Presence. The words my teacher spoke then, I can't recall them exactly now, but they came to my awareness as fitting perfectly the flow of my perception. There was space in my consciousness, and I allowed this light-beam sensation to take me over.
In doing this, I was still able to feel the usual things: my back still ached, and my foot was asleep. But it was like my real sensation was behind this, and above it: in alignment with the light pole, which came in from the top of my head, extending upwards. It also connected through and down my lower back and into the ground. I was able to take full belly-breaths, and this powerful alignment remained. It was solid, but breathable.
"I am permeable in my abode."

This sensation was very powerful, and I think I like meditation. :)
I feel that I was experiencing a chakra-alignment through my crown chakra, which I have rarely done.

It was wonderful! The soft orange glow of the lights and the presence of the Dalai Llama's pictures framed a nice exterior as well. And when my teacher said, "Take the breaths you need. Then slowly come back to this room, to your friends." I felt comfortable leaving this inner place of peace. I know that it is there to be explored always, accessed in new ways, and available more and more in my life as I practice the embodiment of it over time.