Auroville Spiral

Auroville Spiral
The Bird's Eye View

Monday, February 14, 2011

White Light Pillar

I have been meditating in guided group-form recently.
Tonight, I felt myself connected to a vertical column of white-light energy.
This column ran through my spine, up and down, giving space to my chakras all along it.
It took me over suddenly: One minute I was sitting, listening to my teacher's voice, and feeling the usual discomforts: my back ached, my mind wandered incessantly. Then suddenly, but slowly, I realized that there was a definite sensation in my spine: Yes, I felt like I was coming into Presence. The words my teacher spoke then, I can't recall them exactly now, but they came to my awareness as fitting perfectly the flow of my perception. There was space in my consciousness, and I allowed this light-beam sensation to take me over.
In doing this, I was still able to feel the usual things: my back still ached, and my foot was asleep. But it was like my real sensation was behind this, and above it: in alignment with the light pole, which came in from the top of my head, extending upwards. It also connected through and down my lower back and into the ground. I was able to take full belly-breaths, and this powerful alignment remained. It was solid, but breathable.
"I am permeable in my abode."

This sensation was very powerful, and I think I like meditation. :)
I feel that I was experiencing a chakra-alignment through my crown chakra, which I have rarely done.

It was wonderful! The soft orange glow of the lights and the presence of the Dalai Llama's pictures framed a nice exterior as well. And when my teacher said, "Take the breaths you need. Then slowly come back to this room, to your friends." I felt comfortable leaving this inner place of peace. I know that it is there to be explored always, accessed in new ways, and available more and more in my life as I practice the embodiment of it over time.


  1. "The soft orange glow of the lights and the presence of the Dalai......"
    this reminds me of our travels this weekend along, under, and around the Golden Gate Bridge on bicycle. What a wonderful color orange is - warm, of the hearth, healing, color of sunrise and sunset.

    Meditation is a practice, like any, it requires patience, time, attention, energy. When a particular state is reached (where one is not pushing and forcing energy, it more or less happens; unfolds; amazing things occur in those spaces. It can not be planned nor predicted.

  2. SO TRUE! This is the challenge- once you reach a state, to not try to make it return any other occasion- rather, letting it come in a new way. (Whew! I'm going to have to work on that one!)
