Here are some pictures of life recently, and a quote to go along with my previous entry (about money and the economic system): "The nature of the gift, unlike goods that can be bought and sold, is that it must be kept in motion. The logic of gifts, like a river, is one of flow, whereas market in a market system, wealth is disengaged from the flow and becomes concentrated in pools. Scarcity appears when wealth cannot flow, Like a river, if the gift flow is dammed up, it will stagnate, and and the dam (one who hoards) will metaphorically burst." (Taken from my professor, Karen Litfin's article called The Sacred and the Profane in the Ecological Politics of Sacrifice)
So what do you think? ...Auroville here is trying to run on a different economic model- one that is sustainable internally. They are not quite there yet, but they still hold this vision in mind. Sadhana Forest, similarly, is running on a "gift economy", where they do the work that needs to be done no matter what, without worrying about the money. Then, based on community friendship, activism and trust, money flows back to them.
So do you think we (the U.S., or even globally) could shift from the system we have now? Or do you think it is working just fine as is?
...Yes, these are big questions- similar to the ones I have been having to ask for the past 7 weeks- to be honest, it is TOO MUCH sometimes to try to be thinking in these grandiose terms all the time, but HEY; it is also essentially beneficial. Okay, enjoy the pictures! 
Hi Love,
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of when Santa Cruz had something called the Barter Network. Services were traded and no money was involved. What a wonderful way to connect human to human. We are off to San Francisco for two days - visiting museums and riding bikes through Golden Gate Park. There was an article about the blighted part of Market Street (The Tenderloin area near the Orpheum) There are big plans to revitalize that stretch of Market - and Burning Man Headquarters is a part of the plan. There you go....more example of a system where services are exchanged, not currency.
Love, Momma
I miss your blogs! Taking a break from asking the BIG questions of life? Here's an answer......NO!!! Our current economic system is NOT working - look at the Middle East...Finally the masses are feeling empowered to stand up to hundreds of years of nepotism, monarchy, greed, corruption. Their cries are being heard. Let us stand with them.
ReplyDeleteWe are not an equalitarian society - not when laws are made to protect corporations - and think of them as "persons." Not when state workers are being burdened to shoulder the economic woes of mismanaged budgets and bipartison disunity and bickering. The Governor of Wisconsin is a blight on the progress of our country. He is taking workers' rights away - established during the Great Depression - their ability to collectively bargain for a sustainable, healthy, workplace and income. We have much in common with our fellow compatriots in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia....repression of the masses - ours- a puppet government - theirs an oppressive one. Let the people be heard! And I;m not talking Fox News brainwash of the rich.
Love you!! Momma