Auroville Spiral

Auroville Spiral
The Bird's Eye View

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Quote to Kick off My Journey & Help Guide Me Through My Adventure...

To sing means to use the soul-voice. It means to say on the breath the truth of one's power and one's need, to breathe soul over the thing that is ailing or in need of restoration. This is done by descending into the deepest mood of great love and feeling, till one's desire for relationship with their wildish Self overflows, then to speak one's soul from that frame of mind. That is singing over the bones. We cannot makes the mistake of attempting to elicit this great feeling of love from a lover, for this womens' labor of finding and singing the creation hymn is a solitary work, a work carried out in the desert of the psyche."
Women Who Run With The Wolves, Clarissa Estés (p. 28)


  1. I am so excited to hear from you, on the ground,as your journey continues. Grandad

  2. Do you have a spiritual name, Shivaya Ajna? Or, is this post from someone other than "Heather" want to know if I'm leaving comment for you "Heather"
    if so ... enjoy your journey.... keep on writing too. You will go through so many changes, lonely, sad, happy, glad, blissful and peaceful. it's all god,
    or, good ;) we love you to the heavens and beyond ... on your team 1000%
    keep up sweet one ....
    love you,
    meherbani and sadanam

  3. Wow, what an amazing journey you have chosen for yourself! We love your writing and we take turns reading aloud to each other. You are our hearts as travel our own journey along with our festival community who all send you their love. It's great to know your spirit is being so nourished. Much love, Mom and Neil

  4. It made me laugh when you said you wanted to volunteer for everything. Your writing is delicious! Keep it up. You were beside me on the dance floor last night. They played Fire on the mountain, and Death don't have no mercy for Susie. Very moving. Killer show too. Party in the suite was sweet. Love you a lot. Mom

  5. Hey there love ...tis Doug Dirt ..aka ananomous....I loved connection with Neil & Christy during N. Years Furthur experience ...We all sang your praises adn blessed your journey....I know you will find what is purrrrfect for you to focus on ...thank-you for sharing all the soulful intimacies of your inspire and encourage me to reach out and to you ....xoxo d2

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. FURTHUR!! :) I was with you all dancing in SF in spirit! So much love to my tribe-family of swirling whirling singing spirit heart-dancing souls!
