Pongal weekend was full of coconut, sugar cane, colors, flowers, kolums, smiles and singing children!
A cow cart full of kids making the rounds. "Pongal-o! Pongal-o!" |
This boy was helping to prepare the sacred cow for pulling the cart. The family blessed the cow and fed her, and of course decorated her too! |
This house had some adorable baby goats! This village girl was my model. :) |
In-motion, passing another cartful of joyful, colorful children! |
A village man and his wife. Many villagers ask to have their picture taken, many times. They love it! I like this man's face; he looks friendly and wise. |
I got a quick henna job by a village woman, because my group was leaving me behind and it was getting dark! Here I am offering a mutual blessing to this angel statue at a local clay wheel hut. |
A "kolam" in front of a Ganesh altar. |
A family in the village of Kuilapalayam on Pongal. |
The streets of every village are filled with colorful "kolams" during the 3 days of Pongal. The women of the houses make them everyday, and they take around 2 hours! This is part of the celebration weekend. |
Amazingly beautiful pictures.