Auroville Spiral

Auroville Spiral
The Bird's Eye View

Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Questions

I am not sure quite where to start. But I know I need to write.
There are some big questions of our time that I am thinking about. They are existent not only here in Auroville, but all over the globe. Traditions are being swept up in modernization. What is being lost? Will the ancient wisdom of cultures be lost in this modernization?
These are a couple of big questions that mainly can't be answered hypothetically.
I am trying to speak through my heart to ask and relate to these questions.
Here in Auroville, there are- of course- issues. The issues I am thinking of here are around the relationship between the Aurovillians, and the local villagers. There are some extremely different worldviews at play in this weaving of communities, and how do we integrate strange cultural interactions?
These have been the observations that have really pierced me ever since I got here- the inequalities of wealth, the extreme poverty of the villagers. And yet, the more I interact with them personally, the more I think that they are unaware of these issues, at least in the ways that I am. Of course, language is a barrier; but when I asked a local street performer if he thought that modernization would wipe out this ancient practice of street theatre, he replied, "Culture is like the floor of a house. Modernization is like the walls. Storms will come and knock the walls down, but the ground will remain."
I find this very potent- firstly in the way he answered: these people do not think highly abstractly and theoretically like we are taught to; they are invariably connected to their work, their practices, and their dense culture.
I am just beginning to be exposed to these issues on an experiential level, so I cannot fully make sense of all the complexities. However, I do think that the issues of culture, interaction, and modernization are important to consider!


  1. Hey Doll. I ask myself the same questions daily. Its hard to wrap our minds around such notions. Thank you so much for your kind lettter. It made my month. It is my bookmark now for "Women Who Run with the Wolves." Chin up and march on angel.


  2. dayugdyaudysfatsfc jack sygisdgckugsydcyJanuary 24, 2011 at 11:55 AM

    please take more cow pics and more of the baby dog pcs they r sooo cute!!!!

  3. What a powerful metaphor the villager answered your question with. The floor remains despite the howling winds knocking down the walls. Does your perspective give you a different take on how rapid our world is changing due to technology? Break neck speed. Can our minds and psyches keep up with it? Will it be our nemesis? In terms of Auroville wealth and villagers' wealth and the disparity of both, I imagine I would feel quite a bit of discomfort and it would demand a self-examination of my dependency on material wealth and collection. Good things to stir up and contemplate. Love, Momma

  4. Alyson is going to Southern India in February. Andara pradesh region in Penukonda. Kaila, Larry and Rosemary's daughter, is going to India in mid March. She is going with Mongola, Jay Saber's wife. She will be volunteering at an orphanage with Mongola. India seems to be the place to experience life these days.
    On another note, we made reservations for a hotel on Friday and Saturday night of the June 10th 11th graduation weekend. Seattle, here we come!
